
Dec 22 - Jan 19

Capricorn Forecast for 2025: Love & Romance

On both the romantic and relationship fronts it is business as usual as you move into the New Year, suggesting that this year it is going to be more of the same. However, the reality couldn't be more different. On the relationship front business as usual means no planetary activity in your relationship sector, as you would expect at this time of year. On the romantic front, business as usual means Uranus, in your romantic sector since 2019 is on his own and in retrograde motion until 31st January, is still taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Things should stay this way until the Sun returns to your romantic sector in April and to your relationship sector in June, for what should be your ordinary annual updates. Yet on both the romantic and relationship fronts, there is change in the air.

This will first be felt on the relationship front when on 6th January, two months after leaving Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will retrograde back into your relationship sector. Normally here for six weeks and then not returning again for another two years, Mars had already spent two months here before leaving in November 2024 and will be back to spend another three and a half months, not leaving again until 18th April. While Mars will have left by the time Mercury, the planet of communication returns on 9th June and Jupiter a day later to begin your biggest year for relationship growth in over a decade, he and his passion and drive to fight for what you want for your relationships, will help path the way.

It is when Venus returns from 31st July to 26th August and the planets of love and luck come together, that the real magic will happen. Meanwhile, while this will put a lot of focus on your relationships, at the same time Uranus is quietly preparing to leave your romantic sector. Uranus won't leave until 7th July and with Venus moving through from 6th June to 5th July, his final month is likely to be when the real magic happens. Uranus will return on 8th November but only to tie up loose ends, with the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected leaving again in April 2026, not to return again in our lifetime. Uranus is part of a major shift that the outer planets are undertaking over the course of 2025.

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