
Sept 23 - Oct 22

Libra Forecast for 2025: Money

You have a mixed bag of influences on both sides of the financial fence this year, with a mix of the expected and the unexpected and that includes on both fronts. In your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have, moving into the New Year with Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected in your financial sector is a given. Since his return in 2019, Uranus has been keeping money matters on their true path, bringing those sudden shifts and changes that like an autopilot on a plane is helping to keep things on a steady course. Uranus begins the year in retrograde motion, which is often the case and until turning direct on 31st January you are still reviewing the journey last year took you and money matters on.

Even then, things won't really become active on the financial front until the Sun returns from 20th April to 21st May, the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your financial situation and money matters. What follows is what you would expect at this time of year, with Mercury returning from 11th May to 26th May with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game. This will leave Uranus back on his own but held back by a retrograde phase earlier in the year, with Venus yet to return. Venus will eventually return from 6th June to 5th July and the timing will prove critical. Venus isn't interested in financial housekeeping and instead on what as the planet of money, desire and attraction in what she can attract. What makes the timing significant is that two days after she leaves so too with Uranus, with his departure on 7th July leaving it empty for the first time in five years.

Uranus will retrograde back in on 8th November, but only for a few months before leaving again in April 2026, not to return again for another eight decades. It is in that gap, from 7th July to 8th November that Mars, moving through your income sector from 22nd September to 5th November is going to fully exploit this. This will be the first time in five years that any planet has been able to move through without getting pushback from Uranus in your financial sector and from a need to also keep your focus on the other side of the financial fence. As the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos, Mars is the perfect planet to exploit this, creating what could not just be the most lucrative months of 2025 but in several years. This will give the rest of the planets, which won't finish moving through until 12th December, a foothold.

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