
Sept 23 - Oct 22

Libra Forecast for 2025: Love & Romance

Because the Sun, Venus and Mercury follow a similar pattern year after year, there are certain times of each year when there is going to be a lot more focus on matters of the heart or your relationships. These are the ordinary seasons, with a lot of focus on matters of the heart and all things romantic in the early months of each year, while it is around March and April that the focus shifts to your relationships. While this is still the case this year, the difference is that the focus is never going to shift off matters of the heart and it will once it starts to shift to your relationships it is going to stay that way as well. In short, this is no ordinary year on either the romantic or relationship front and instead a gateway year into a major new journey on both fronts. On the romantic front, this is thanks to Pluto, the planet of change and transformation's return to your romantic sector in November 2024, where he will stay until 2044.

For the next 20 years, as the Sun and the faster planets come and go, Pluto will keep the focus on matters of the heart and will be working to ensure that the days of being in a romantic rut are over. To start with Pluto will have help and especially in January and February. While Venus, the planet of love will leave your romantic sector on 3rd January and won't return until early 2026, she will have spent nearly four weeks with Pluto by then, as will the dwarf planet Ceres, who returned with Venus in December 2024 to begin her first deep dive into your heart's needs and priorities in four years. The Sun will move through from 20th January to 18th February and Mercury from 28th January to 15th February, but it is not until Ceres leaves on 24th February that Pluto will be back on his own and apart from the Moon's monthly visits, it will stay that way for the rest of the year.

However, by then something special will be developing on the relationship front, over and above Venus' return to your relationship sector on 4th February. Normally here for just 24 days, Venus will leave on 27th March but by retrograding back out, only to return again for a do over from 1st May to 6th June. Mercury, the planet of communication will do the same, returning from 3rd March to 30th March, only to retrograde back out before returning again from 16th April to 11th May. All this is preparation for Neptune's return on 31st March and Saturn's return on 25th May to begin some of the most powerful relationship years in a lifetime.

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