
Jul 23 - Aug 22

Leo Forecast for 2025

2025 is a unique and unprecedented year in that while it is a year of major change, what is so extreme about this is that every planet in the solar system bar two is on the move and one of those made its move just six weeks before you moved into the New Year and the other has been fixed in position for over nine decades and will be for decades to come. The planets that year after year provide a steady and unchanging background are all on the move and in many cases are swapping chairs. The one constant is the dwarf planet Eris, who has been in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery for over nine decades but even she is about to get a major boost. The warrior princess of the cosmos will no longer be solely responsible for keeping the spirit of adventure alive when on 31st March Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams will return for his first visit in our lifetime while Saturn will join them for his first visit in three decades on 25th May.

By then the faster planets will have returned or moved through, creating a groundswell of momentum and making this not just one of the most powerful areas of your life in 2025 but for decades to come. Saturn will retrograde back out on 1st September and back into your financial sector where he began the year and Neptune will do the same on 8th November. However, when Neptune returns in January 2026 he will then remain here until 2039 while Saturn, who will return in February 2026, will remain in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery until April 2028. Until then, they have unfinished business in your financial sector, where Neptune has been since 2012. However, it wasn't until Saturn returned in March 2023 that you have been able to use his resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial dreams into reality.

This will put a lot of focus on your financial situation and money matters in the early months of the year but with Venus, the planet of money not only returning to your financial sector on 3rd January to get the ball rolling, but to spend an extraordinary amount of time here, spread out over two visits that won't finally run their course until 1st May. Considering that Venus will normally only spend 24 days here and just how critical the timing is, is going to make these not just the most powerful months of this financial year but the period that everything until now has led up to and everything from now will lead on from. By New Year's Day Pluto has been in your relationship sector for six weeks and here now until 2044, he was the first of the big changes to come. Another big change is on the professional front with Uranus, who has been in your career sector since 2019 leaving on 7th July and returning to your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking.

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