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Leo horoscope for October 2024

For you, October is always going to be a universally good month thanks to always having the Sun in your communication sector until 23rd October. As well as putting the solar spotlight on communication and enhancing all aspects of communication, this is a smart and intellectually savvy part of your chart, giving you more mental clarity. Until leaving on 14th October Mercury will not only be doing what as the planet of communication he does best, but he will be giving you the mental focus needed to keep your head in the game and to think on your feet. There isn't an aspect of your life that isn't going to benefit from this.

However, it is your relationships that will benefit from having the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships in your communication sector all month. Especially with Pluto's direct turn on 12th October allowing the planet of change and transformation to make a U turn and start heading back to your relationship sector. Pluto won't return until later next month, but then set to spend the next 20 years here, there is a chance to spend this month getting the communication lines open. Meanwhile, this brings Pluto to the halfway point of his short 11 week double dip visit back into your work sector.

Before he began to transition out of your work sector last year, back then gone for less than three months, Pluto had been here since 2008 and when he finally leaves on 20th November he won't return again in our lifetime. Pluto left again in January, this time gone for over seven months before coming back to tie up loose ends. Pluto returned on the same day Uranus turned retrograde in your career sector and having worked in partnership over the last five years, the month begins with the doors open to the past, second chances and untapped potential on the job and career fronts. Meanwhile, Venus' return to a playful and creative part of your chart on the same day as a Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart on 18th October is a chance to start finding a better balance between work and play.

Love & Romance

As you move into the new month it will be business as usual on the romantic and relationship fronts, with a continuation of where things left off last month. On the relationship front, this will stay the same all month, but there are some game changing developments on the romantic front ahead. There has been no planetary activity in your relationship sector since Pluto retrograded back out early last month and apart from the Moon's monthly visits, it will remain empty until he returns later next month. However, because when Pluto returns it will be to spend the next 20 years here and having already spent seven months here before retrograding back out, this is a valuable chance to check in.

The Moon will make its monthly visit to your relationship sector from 12th October to 14th October and the timing makes it even more important to remain emotionally engaged and aware as it moves through. It is just a few hours after the Moon returns that Pluto will turn direct and start his slow trek back to your relationship sector. While it will be another seven weeks before he returns, you will have an intuitive sense that the planet of change and transformation is on his way back, making it important to pay attention to your emotional responses as the Moon moves through, for your attention will soon be drawn elsewhere.

With no planetary activity in your romantic sector since the early weeks of the year, the Moon's monthly visits have been key to keeping the spirit of romance alive, as it will be when the Moon moves through from 7th October to 9th October. However, that is about to change with Venus, who last year didn't return until 30th December and spent less than 48 hours in your romantic sector in 2023, returning for her second visit this year on 18th October. This is the same day as a Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart and as Venus will be working closely with the planets there over the following weeks, this is going to jumpstart the spirit of romance and adventure at the same time.

Business & Career

As you move into the new month the professional gods have the brakes on both job and career matters, though for different reasons. As Uranus enters his second month in retrograde motion in your career sector, he is no longer stalled but he is also nowhere near up to speed. Instead, he is crawling back over old ground in a way that gives you time to observe and to use hindsight to gain a better sense of perspective. As a slow outer planet, Uranus is used to this and especially as since his return in 2019 this has been an annual event. Uranus is your eyes and in retrograde motion, this is a chance to look back and gain a better sense of perspective.

With Uranus in retrograde motion for the rest of the year, he is in no hurry and will continue to quietly provide access to the rear view mirror. At the same time, Pluto is not only also in retrograde motion in your work sector but is coming to a complete stop. However, unlike Uranus who is just settling into his long retrograde phase, Pluto is preparing to come out of his. By the time the Moon moves through your work sector from 9th October to 12th October Pluto will be at a standstill and in his final days in retrograde motion, this will be a chance to pause as the planet of change and transformation takes one last look back over his shoulder.

It is just a few hours after the Moon leaves that Pluto will not only turn direct on 12th October, but five and a half weeks after retrograding back in for just 11 weeks, will make a U turn and start heading back out again. Once Pluto leaves next month he won't return again in our lifetime, with his final hours in retrograde motion a chance to reflect on the changes you might want to make when he turns direct. By the time the Moon returns to your career sector on 18th October Pluto will have been in direct motion for six days. Before leaving on 20th October the Moon will align with Uranus and form a friendly aspect to Pluto, giving you a read on what has changed and what has remained the same.


It was late last month that the Sun and Mercury not only left your income sector but ended all planetary activity on the income front for the year. Apart from the Moon's monthly visits, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, there will be no planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence until June 2025, making the Moon's return a few days later a case of perfect timing. Because the Moon returned just a few days after Mercury left and as it won't leave until 2nd October, as you move into the new month you are still tying up loose ends after months of planetary activity.

Before leaving the Moon will connect with the planets on the job and career fronts that will continue to shape the rest of this professional year, with a chance to leave them with a lucrative sense of direction. Your income sector will remain empty until the Moon comes full circle again from 27th October to 29th October, this time to find Pluto back in direct motion and with work and job matters having been given the green light. Once again, this will bring things together on the income, work and career fronts. Meanwhile, while all planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence has come to an end, on the other side of the financial fence there is a resurgence.

While both planets in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have are in retrograde motion, they are slowing down ahead of Saturn's direct turn next month and Neptune's direct turn in early December. However, it is the support they are getting that is going to be empowering. The month begins with Saturn at a friendly aspect to Mars and by the end of the first week of the month to Venus, the planet of money as well. As well as a boost in confidence as the focus shifts to this side of the financial fence, this will tap into Saturn's resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.


While moving into the new month you might feel sluggish or physically unmotivated, by embracing this you are going to strap yourself to the changes ahead. Urging you to slow down is Pluto, who in his final days in retrograde motion in your health sector has come to a standstill. When Pluto turns direct on 12th October that will change, but while the planet of change and transformation is in retrograde motion there is a chance to reflect and even heal. The Moon will move through from 9th October to 12th October, giving you a read on what your body is telling you during Pluto's final days in direct motion and as his direct turn on 12th October turns all your systems back on again.

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