
May 21 - Jun 20

Gemini Forecast for 2025: Money

As you move into this new financial year there is a mix of the expected and the unexpected and that includes on both sides of the financial fence while at the same time, a sense that the tables have turned. Since Pluto, the planet of change, transformation and rebellion returned to your financial sector in 2008, there has been near continuous planetary activity on this side of the financial fence, the side where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have. Year after year, planets have come and gone from your income sector, but only ever for a few months at a time and always having to compete with Pluto's overarching focus on your financial situation and money matters. That was the side of the financial fence that the balance of power has been, but not anymore.

For the first time since 2008, you will move into the New Year to find Pluto gone and while the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of each year in your financial sector and the solar spotlight is on your financial situation and money matters, this is more the annual update that money matters get each year. It might not be until Mercury, who will move through from 8th January to 28th January with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet leaves, that the enormity of Pluto's departure will hit home. For bar a few months in early 2023, this will leave your financial sector empty and it will stay that way until Mars returns on 15th December, the Sun on 22nd December and Venus on 25th December, for what will be your next annual update for money matters. Gone is the overriding focus on money matters and instead, the focus is shifting to the income side of the financial fence.

It starts on 6th January, when two months after leaving Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will return for a do over, this time without having to compete with Pluto and money matters. This time it is all about the income side of the financial fence and a fight for what you deserve and in retrograde motion until 24th February, this includes the doors this will open to the past and second chances. Mars will leave on 18th April and while this will leave your income sector empty not for long, with Mercury returning on 9th June to begin what are normally the most active months of any year on the income front. However, a day later everything will change, with Jupiter returning on 10th June to begin your biggest and luckiest year for income growth and expansion in over a decade. The most potentially lucrative weeks of the year will be when Venus moves through from 31st July to 26th August, with the planets of money and luck able to join forces.

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