
May 21 - Jun 20

Planetary Horoscope

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Having the Moon in your work sector and drawing closer to a friendly aspect to both planets in your career sector before leaving in two days doesn't mean having to keep your work hat on over the holiday period. Instead, the more you can keep it off the better, for away from the coalface and from what would normally be the heart of the working week, this is a chance to remain emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware but with more objectivity. For the first time in a decade, you will be moving into the New Year with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your work sector, giving you a chance to work on your resolutions.

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Planetary Love Horoscope

When the Moon left your romantic sector yesterday, it not only wrapped up its last visit for the year, but its last before the ...

Planetary Work Horoscope

Having the Moon in your work sector doesn't mean having to keep your work hat on over Christmas and the holiday period, but away ...


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