View the Scorpio Forecast for 2024: Money


Oct 23 - Nov 21

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Scorpio Forecast for 2024: Money

This is a year where you won't be able to judge a book by its cover, but where once you open it, you will find that there is so much more than first impresses would suggest. This year has two main surprises or exceptions to the norm, with one obvious from the start and the other not revealing itself for several months. Obvious from the start is just how active things are on the income front. The Sun will always leave your income sector just before Christmas and while Venus or Mercury can linger into the early days of the New Year, rarely are they as active as you will find things moving into 2024. This is a combination of Mars making his first visit in two years and both Venus and Mercury impacted by retrograde phases.

Mars returned a day after the Sun in November, but with the warrior planet of the cosmos not leaving until 5th January, you are moving into the year with his warrior and competitive spirit fired up. Meanwhile, held back by a retrograde phase Venus, the planet of money didn't return until 30th November and until leaving on 23rd January she will be working to get the year off to a lucrative start. Mercury, who did leave your income sector in December retrograded back in just before Christmas and not leaving until 8th January, this allows you to begin the year with the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and your feet on the ground. When Venus leaves on 23rd January this will leave your income sector empty until she returns on 18th October to do it all over again, this time ushering in the second most lucrative period of 2024, which will run through to 8th January 2025.

Meanwhile, while this makes the first three weeks and the final two and a half months of 2024 the most potentially lucrative, it is on the other side of the financial fence that the biggest surprise awaits. It is just five days after the Sun returns to your financial sector on 21st May that everything will change. This is the point in each year when the solar spotlight will always shift onto your financial situation and money matters, but it is just five days later that on 26th May, Jupiter will return to begin your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade. Jupiter is here until June 2025 but having the Sun here from 21st May to 21st June, Venus from 24th May to 17th June, Mercury from 3rd June to 10th June and Mars from 21st July to 5th September will get this off to an empowered start. This is your best chance in 12 years to take your financial power back.

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