Oct 23 - Nov 21
Today's Horoscope This week This month
Scorpio horoscope for September 2024
In the space of a few days the dynamics of the year itself are set to change, not in terms of the forces that are set to define the year itself, but in your approach to life and especially if life has recently become more work than play. By the time you move into the new month both planets in your work sector have been in retrograde motion for just over a month and not turning direct until the New Year, on the job front things have already levelled off though with the North Node keeping things on track. At the same time, while the Sun left your career sector last month, until he leaves on 9th September Mercury is tying up loose ends, while leaving you with everything needed to stay on track professionally.
However, until Mars returns to your career sector in November to bring this professional year home, you have a chance to pull back without fear of losing the ground or momentum already gained. Instead, by the time Mercury leaves on 9th September, Mars will be settling into the early days of his longest visit to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery in two decades. While only spending two months here this time, before returning to your career sector, in the New Year Mars will retrograde back in to spend another three months fuelling a passion for adventure and a hunger for life's richer experiences.
From the start Mars will have the support of both planets in a playful and creative part of your chart. However, it is a Full Moon there on 18th September that will fire up the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence. Just as the professional gods are taking a break and there is a chance to step back until the pace picks up again in November, the timing couldn't be better. Meanwhile, while the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of September in your relationship sector and Mercury, the planet of communication will return from 9th September to 26th September, the game changer will be when Pluto retrogrades back into your communication sector on 2nd September.
Love & Romance
It was on 30th August that Venus returned to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane that will end with her return to Scorpio on 23rd September. With both planets in your romantic sector already in retrograde motion, this will give you better access to the past and second chances. However, on 2nd September and just three days after Venus returned Uranus, now the only planet in your relationship sector will also turn retrograde.Until leaving on 23rd September, as well as taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane she will be giving you better access to the doors open to the past and second chances. It is while Venus is here that the Moon will make its monthly visit to your romantic and relationship sectors, making this especially potent during those times. It begins with the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 16th September to 18th September, something that will deepen a sense of romantic nostalgia and give you better access to the doors open to the past and second chances while as a Full Moon, these romantically charged lunar vibes will be a lot more potent.
By the time the Full Moon peaks on 18th September Venus will be just five days away from her return to Scorpio, so there will be a sense of anticipation as well. Before then, the Moon's first visit to your relationship sector since Uranus' retrograde turn at the start of the month will be a valuable chance to check in when it moves through from 20th September to 22nd September. Leaving during Venus' last full day here this will once again put a lot of focus onto the past and while every planet in your romantic and relationship sectors will remain in retrograde motion, when Venus returns to Scorpio on 23rd September this will also be a chance for new beginnings. Venus will return to find Mars in an adventurous part of your chart, with planets of love and passion able to bring the spirit of romance and adventure together in a way that no other planet can.
Business & Career
While the month gets off to a positive start on the job and career fronts, once Mercury leaves your career sector on 9th September, on both fronts there will be a chance to take your foot off the gas and take a well deserved but important break. After the Sun and Venus left your career sector last month and with Mercury having already moved through by then, this should have seen all planetary activity on the career front for the year having run its course by now. Instead, a retrograde turn saw Mercury return for a double dip visit and with it a chance to tie up loose ends as he supposedly finally brings all planetary activity on the career front to an end.When Mercury leaves on 9th September that will be the case, however, unlike most years this won't be the end of the story, with Mars returning in November to fire things up again. This will leave your career sector empty for less than two months and with both planets in your work sector in retrograde motion, with a chance to finally pull back. Until then, Mercury will spend his final days closely aligned with both planets on the job front and with the Moon starting the month in your career sector, this will bring things into even tighter alignment. The Moon will leave on 2nd September but with a chance to start the month and move into Mercury's final seven days with your professional instincts sharp.
It is a week later that Mercury will leave but with things continuing to play out and run their course. There will be a chance to check on work and job matters when the Moon returns to your work sector from 18th September to 20th September, something that every four weeks can sharpen your instincts, give you a better read on work and job matters and act as a trigger. This will be the Moon's first visit since July when there are no planets in your career sector to connect with, giving you a chance to just focus on the read this will give you of work and job matters.
It has been all go on the financial front since Jupiter returned to your financial sector in May to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade. Jupiter had returned while the Sun and Venus were here, with the solar spotlight already on your financial situation and money matters and Venus in the process of updating your financial wish list for the coming year. Mercury's return before they left was a chance to use his smart head for money to get your head in the game and in the early days of a 13 month visit, give Jupiter some practical steps and a good starting point. By the time the Sun left on 22nd June Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion was on his own and it should have stayed that way until he comes around in May 2025 to start wrapping things up.However, just a few weeks later Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos returned and as you move into September he is still here, still firing up your financial passions and fighting spirit. Jupiter who is here until 2025, is playing a long game and is focused on the kind of growth that can evolve over time. Mars on the other hand wants it to happen now and until he leaves on 5th September, there is a drive to take your financial power back and a focus on the action that you can take now. However, Mars' departure means that there is finally a chance to pull back and let things play out. Once Mars leaves on 5th September Jupiter will be on his own and it will stay that way, giving you a chance to focus more on the journey.
The Moon will make its first visit since Mars left from 22nd September to 25th September, making this a valuable chance to get your bearings. By then Jupiter, who will turn retrograde on 9th October, will be slowing down and money matters will be ready to move into review mode in order to give the income side of the financial fence its turn. While it is not until next month that Venus, the planet of money will return to begin the first planetary activity in your income sector this year, the Moon's return from 10th September to 12th September will sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger at what will be an important point in the month on the job and career fronts.