
Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius Forecast for 2025: Love & Romance

With Jupiter halfway through a 12 month transit through your relationship sector, the year starts with a lot of focus on your relationships Jupiter is in your relationship sector until 10th June, with his year long quest for relationship growth in its review phase as the year begins with the planet of luck and expansion still in retrograde motion. Jupiter will turn direct on 4th February, shifting the focus from the past and onto the future, though it is not until the Sun returns on 21st May that there will be any urgency. This is the point in each year that the solar spotlight will always shift onto your relationships, but in time to get the most out of Jupiter's final weeks. The Sun is here until 21st June and with Mercury, the planet of communication moving through from 26th May to 9th June.

It is after the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter leave that things will get interesting, with Venus' late return to your relationship sector on 5th July set to be a real advantage. Held back by the time spent in your romantic sector earlier in the year, Venus is late to return but this will put the planet of love here when Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected returns for his first visit to your relationship sector in eight decades. Uranus is only here until 8th November but will return in April 2026 and won't leave until 2033. This is the start of a major new relationship chapter, with Jupiter's 12 month visit just the first step. Yet by then, something extraordinary will have already begun to develop on the romantic front.

It begins on 4th February when Venus, the planet of love returns to begin what should be the most romantically charged weeks of 2025, but not leaving until 27th March and even then, by retrograding back out, only to return again from 1st May to 6th June, will instead be the most romantically charged months instead of weeks. However, the reason why Venus isn't rushing through in 24 days like she normally would, will soon become apparent with Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams returning for his first visit to your romantic sector in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn, for his first visit in three decades on 25th May. Neptune will retrograde back out on 22nd October, but when he returns in January 2026 he will be here until 2039, while Saturn will retrograde back out on 1st September, but will return in February 2026 and will be here until April 2028.

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