
Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius Forecast for 2025: Work & Business

On the one hand, it is business as usual on the job and career fronts this year, but with some big differences that set this year apart in a way that isn't going to be too game changing and instead will contribute to making this a good year on both fronts. Since Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected returned to your work sector in 2019 there has been continuous planetary activity on the job front. However, Uranus is a slow outer planet whose main focus is on keeping things on their right path and continuing to provide the freshest perceptive. Uranus can also trigger unexpected, serendipitous or eureka moments and especially when there are other planets moving through. The year begins with Uranus in retrograde motion and until he turns direct on 31st January you are still reviewing things from last year.

With no planetary activity in your work sector, the year might get off to a slow start, but this gives you a chance to ease into things. The first sign of change will be the Full Moon in your career sector on 14th March, something that at this time each year and halfway between the Sun's last visit and the next, can give career matters a much needed boost. However, what suggests that something has changed is that this will be no ordinary Full Moon, but a total lunar eclipse. This is the result of the South Node's return to your career sector on 12th January, where until leaving in July 2026 it will keep a silent watch on things and especially on the rear view mirror. Meanwhile, as happens on the March equinox each year, the Sun's return to your career sector on 20th April will turn the solar spotlight onto your work situation, job matters and options, before leaving on 21st May.

Mercury will move through from 11th May to 26th May while Venus a little later, from 6th June to 5th July. As has been the case each year since 2019 they will each connect with Uranus as they move through. However, on 7th July, two days after Venus leaves so too will Uranus. Uranus will return on 8th November but to tie up loose ends, only to leave again in April 2026 and not return again for another eight decades. It is during Venus and Uranus's final weeks in your work sector and while together they will have the laws of attraction and synchronicity in effect that Mars will return to your career sector on 17th June to begin the first planetary activity on the job front his year. As planetary activity on the job front takes a break, this will provide continuity, with a parade of planets that will move through not ending until 14th October. By then Uranus will be just a few weeks away from returning to your work sector on 8th November.

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