Feb 19 - Mar 20
Love Forecast Money Forecast Business Forecast
Pisces Forecast for 2024
While 2024 won't see the degree of changes or uncertainty that we saw in 2023, there is enough to ensure things don't become stuck while at the same time, giving you enough certainty to feel grounded. The latter is coming from Saturn, who having returned to Pisces last March to begin a new three decade long Saturn cycle of learning and growth is now well and truly settled. Saturn is here for the whole of 2024, which means that he won't be changing things up and as he and Neptune, the planet of dreams and your ruling planet won't leave until early 2026, they will continue to work as an unlikely team. As you move into the New Year Saturn has retrograded back to the start of Pisces so he and Neptune are still too far apart to connect, but back in direct motion that gap will close and as it does the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality will increase, but with little or no urgency.
Where there is change is with Pluto and Jupiter, the only planets that will make any significant changes this year apart from the normal passage of the faster planets. The year begins with Jupiter in his first full day in direct motion in your communication sector, after his four months in retrograde motion ended on New Year's Eve. With Jupiter not leaving until 26th May and with a huge amount of support during his final weeks, the year gets off to a lucky and expansive start for all aspects of communication. With the asteroid Juno in your relationship sector until 10th August, a time of year when there is rarely any planetary activity on the relationship front, this is something that your relationships can benefit from. Especially as Juno is the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships.
This is something that will be a support for Pluto in his final weeks in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking before he and the Sun leave on 21st January and for the planets that will stay on after they leave. Between then Mars, Venus, Mercury and the dwarf planet Ceres will keep things active until 8th February, after which your friendship sector will be empty. Pluto will retrograde back in for 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, but the planet of change and revolution is getting ready to leave his home of the last 16 years. It is then that Pluto will return to your sector of subconscious thinking, imagination and review, where for the next 20 years he will work to open your mind and transform your thinking to a more authentic view. Pluto will also be a support for Jupiter, who on 26th May will return to begin your biggest year for growth and expansion on the home, family and/or property fronts in over a decade.