Whether you are a late February or a March born Piscean, March is your birthday month and a chance to embrace your new solar year and the journey ahead. The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of March in Pisces before returning to your income sector, something that on the March equinox each year will always see the solar spotlight shift onto your income situation, matters and options. However, the Sun is not the only one that will leave Pisces this month and return to your income sector and not just the planets that will always make the same shift at this time each year.
Instead, the planet getting ready to leave Pisces is Neptune, the planet of hopes and dreams and your ruling planet, who has been here since 2012 but will leave on 31st March, when he will return to your income sector for the first time in our lifetime. Saturn, who has been in Pisces since March 2023 will do the same, but not until May. Along with the dwarf planet Ceres, who returned late last month for her first deep dive into your personal needs and priorities in four years will stay on with Saturn, as you continue to work on turning Neptune's dreams into reality while at the same time refining them. This is the start of a major transition, with Venus and Mercury playing an integral part of that.
Venus had already spent a month in Pisces when she left in early February, giving your heart a voice and a say in what you want from the coming year. This is when Venus returned to your income sector, where, as the planet of money, she began what can be the most lucrative months of any year. Yet instead of leaving, Venus is not only still here but on 2nd March will turn retrograde, something that will keep her here until retrograding back out and back into Pisces on 27th March. Mercury, who will leave Pisces and return to your income sector on 3rd March, will turn retrograde on 15th March and on 30th March, will retrograde back out again. Having done what they could to prepare for the Sun and Neptune's return to your income sector, Venus and Mercury will end the month back in Pisces.
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Work & CareerWhile for you March is not usually an active point in any professional year and that is still the case this year, there is ...
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MoneyWhile the Sun won't return to your income sector until 20th March and this is the point in each year when the solar spotlight ...
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HealthWhile Mars, who retrograded back out of your health sector in the New Year, is back in direct motion, he won't return until next ...
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