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Aquarius horoscope for July 2024

With Mars following up the rear and in the footsteps of not just the Sun, Venus and Mercury but of Jupiter as well, he is having a lot more impact than had he been out in front. Mars is the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos and moving through after a parade of planets has moved through, allows him to exploit the potential this has created and to pick through the spoils of war for hidden and missed treasure and opportunities. Until leaving your home and family sector on 21st July Mars is doing just that. While the Sun, Mercury and Venus have already moved through, something that has left you aware, motivated and with plenty of ideas, Mars returned with the drive to make things happen and get things done two weeks after Jupiter's 12 month visit ended.

Whatever hopes, dreams or aspirations you have had on the home, family and/or property fronts since Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion returned in May 2023, Mars is here to drive home. By this point you know where things stand, you are aware of the challenges and the potential and are ready to do what you can, with what you've got, from where you're at. It is on 21st July that Mars will follow Jupiter into your romantic and creative sector, by which point he will be eight weeks into what he will be working to make your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative in over a decade.

Until leaving in early September, Mars will add his romantic and creative passions and fighting spirit into the mix. Meanwhile, with the Sun, Venus and Mercury all starting the week in your work sector and with the first planetary activity on the job front this year underway, this will make a balance between work and play important. The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July here and until leaving on 22nd July, will keep the solar spotlight on your work situation, job matters and options. However, on 3rd July Mercury, the planet of communication will leave and become the first planet to return to your relationship sector this year, followed by Venus, the planet of love on 12th July.

Love & Romance

The love and relationship gods are dialling up a good month on both fronts, though for one in an ordinary but important way and in a truly exceptional and unexpected way. When the Sun, Venus and Mercury left your romantic sector last month this should have and usually does end all planetary activity on the romantic front for the year. Instead, it was just a few days after the Sun returned the solar spotlight onto matters of the heart and just as Venus, the planet of love was also settling in that Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion returned to begin your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things romantic in over a decade.

The Sun, Venus and Mercury, who returned early last month to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page have all moved through and the month begins with Jupiter on his own. However, it is not until the Moon moves through from 3rd July to 5th July that this first visit while Jupiter is on his own that you will get a real feel for his influence and his impact on matters of the heart until leaving in June 2025. Jupiter should be on his own for the rest of the year and until the Sun returns next May. Instead, by the time the Moon comes full circle on 30th July things will be heating up thanks to Mars' return on 21st July.

This is the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos first visit to your romantic sector in two years and his first encounter with Jupiter here since 2013. Not leaving until September, this will see the planets of passion and luck work together to get this lucky year for love off the ground. Meanwhile, the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year begins with Mercury, the planet of communication's return on 3rd July, followed by Venus, the planet of love's return on 12th July. By the time the Sun returns on 22nd July, something that will always turn the solar spotlight onto your relationships at this time of year, Venus and Mercury will be well established and working with the planets in your communication sector.

Business & Career

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your work sector, the solar spotlight is always on your work situation, job matters and options at this time of year. By the time you move into the new month the Sun has been here for 10 days and Venus and Mercury for two weeks, something that kicked off the first planetary activity on the job front this year. For both these are ordinary annual visits, with Mercury helping you to work smarter, get your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open before leaving on 3rd July. Before she leaves on 12th July, Venus will be working to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction.

It is while Venus is here that the Moon will move through from 5th July to 7th July, creating a New Moon that at some point during the Sun's month long visit will create the kind of forward momentum that makes this a good time for new beginnings, initiatives or just for drawing a new line in the sand. What is deceiving about the planetary activity on the job front this month is how ordinary it is and that when the Sun leaves on 22nd July this will bring things to an end just five weeks after it began. Apart from the Moon's return to your career sector from 15th July to 17th July, there is nothing else of note.

These will be some of the most positive days of the month across the income, work and career fronts, but this is what you would expect at some point during the Sun's month long visit. Yet behind this, the seeds are being sown for something much bigger and because Mars will return in September to spend two months here and then return again in the New Year to spend another three months, this is the first of a series of stepping stones that lead all the way to Jupiter's return in June 2025 and the start of your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade. At no point between now and then will your work sector be empty for more than two months.


While the tides are turning on this financial year and the focus on both sides of the financial fence is shifting, the basics will stay the same. Those basics are that Saturn and Neptune are spending their first, last and only full year together in your income sector in our lifetime and while they came together last March and won't leave until early 2026, this is the year when there will be no interruptions and they can get on with the job of giving you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn dreams into reality. These are dreams that Neptune, planet of hopes and dreams has been helping you work on since his return in 2012.

On the other side of the financial fence, the basics mean having the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in your financial sector since October 2023, where she is helping you to stick to your financial resolutions. While massively outweighed and just a minnow compared to Saturn and Neptune, two giant planets, Juno's spunk along with support from planets on the job and career fronts has helped to keep things balanced. What is happening this month is that Saturn and Neptune are turning retrograde while Juno will finally get the additional resources to start moving money matters forward.

Saturn turned retrograde on 30th June, with 1st July not only his first full day in retrograde motion but Neptune's last in direct motion. By the time Neptune turns retrograde on 2nd July, all the focus on the income side of the financial fence will be on the rear view mirror. With Mercury in your work sector until 3rd July, Venus until 12th July and the Sun until 22nd July, as new doors open on the job front the doors to the past, second chances and untapped income potential also open. Meanwhile, while not until later in the month, Mercury's return to your financial sector on 26th July will give you the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to start moving money matters forward.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your health sector, the solar spotlight is always on your health needs, situation and matters at this time of year. You also move into the new month with Mercury and Venus here, though with both leaving before the Sun leaves on 22nd July. Until leaving on 3rd July, Mercury is focused on leaving you informed as he spends the early days of the month focused on information and knowledge gathering. Until she leaves on 12th July, Venus will give you the motivation to look and feel good. It is while Venus is still here that the Moon will move through from 5th July to 7th July. As well as a chance to get a better read on what your body is telling you, a New Moon on 6th July will be a chance for new beginnings to draw a new line in the sand.

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