Aug 23 - Sept 22
Today's Horoscope This week This month
Virgo horoscope for September 2024
Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of September in Virgo, whether you are a September or a late August born Virgo, this is your birthday month and the launch of a new solar year. This is something that this year is happening in stages but is also the final stage in a journey that began back in October 2023. This is when held back by a retrograde phase, Venus not only made a late return to Virgo in 2023 but in time to arrive just as the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment was returning for her first visit in four years. Normally here for three months, this was a chance to hold onto the desires, hopes and dreams for the coming year that Venus left you with and even turn them into resolutions.
However, instead of leaving, a retrograde turn kept Juno here for two months and when Venus came full circle early last month, she was still here, still holding onto the resolve to follow your heart. By then Mercury was also back in Virgo, with his early return giving you a jump on your birthday month and new solar year long before it began. As you move into September Venus, Juno and Mercury are no longer here, but they have given this new solar year a firm and confident foundation. Because Mercury left by retrograding back out, his direct turn late last month means that his return from 9th September to 26th September is a chance for a do over and to tie up loose ends, including after the Sun leaves on 23rd September.
This is the same day that Venus, who returned to your income sector late last month and in time to make the most of Mars' final days in your career sector and Pluto's final days in your work sector will leave. A lot of water will pass under the bridge before then, including Venus starting the month closely aligned with Pluto until he retrograded back out of your work sector on 2nd September and as she is beginning what she will be working to make one of the most lucrative months of the year, able to piggyback off Mars' final days in your career sector before he leaves on 5th September. This is when the relentless pace of this professional year will start to drop back, but not the benefits or the momentum gained.
Love & Romance
There are developments on both the romantic and relationship fronts that make it anything but business as usual this month. The more immediate impact is on the romantic front when on 2nd September and over seven months after leaving Pluto, the planet of change and transformation will retrograde back into your romantic sector. While only back for 11 weeks and then not returning again in our lifetime, Pluto returns with a chance for a do over and until turning direct next month will hold the doors open to the past and second chances. While this comes just seven days after the dwarf planet Ceres turned direct here, the time she spent in the past has left a clear roadmap.Ceres has also spent her time since returning to your romantic sector on a deep dive into your heart's needs and priorities, preparing you for this opportunity for a do over. You will get an early feel for Pluto's influence when the Moon returns for its monthly visit to your romantic sector from 12th September to 14th September. As Pluto had been here since 2008, this is a return to something familiar. Meanwhile, it is not just on the romantic front that the doors are open to the past, with both planets in your relationship sector in retrograde motion until later in the year.
As is usually the case, the most important days of the month on the relationship front will be when the Moon returns to your relationship sector from 16th September to 18th September, something that brings a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged and aware. Even more so this time, for in the final days of your birthday month the Moon will clash with the Sun to create a Full Moon on 18th September that may put a balance between your own and your relationship needs under pressure. However, this will be a valuable chance to flush out any issues before Venus, the planet of love returns to your communication sector on 23rd September to begin her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.
Business & Career
After running on adrenaline for months, as you move into the new month you are just days away from finally having a chance to take your foot off the gas, knowing that there is no danger of losing the momentum or gains that you have already made. The reality is that things are rarely as busy as they have been or for as long, had it not been for a giant cosmic coincidence. Last March Pluto, the planet of change and transformation returned to your work sector for the first time in our lifetime and while here for less than three months, he planted the first seeds of change.When Pluto returned in January he picked up from where he left off, but not quite ready to commit to what will become a 20 year journey, he has continued to plant seeds. This is a once in a lifetime event, but it has coincided with Jupiter's return to your career sector in May to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade. Things should have quietened down once the Sun, Venus and Mercury had moved through but instead, just as they should have started to dial back, Mars returned to fire things up again and as you move into September he is still here.
However, within days you will find it easier to pull back and within a few months feel like you are driving things rather than everything else driving you. It begins when Pluto retrogrades back out of your work sector on 2nd September and while he will only be gone for 11 weeks, knowing that when he returns in November it will be to spend the next 20 years here, this is a valuable chance to take a break and let what is in motion play out. It is three days later that Mars will leave your career sector on 5th September and with Jupiter slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn next month but not leaving until June 2025, this is when things will finally start to level off.
The tables are turning on this financial year, but in a way that is going to benefit both sides of the financial fence. With the lunar nodes spending the whole of 2024 in your two money houses, there has been a constant mission to maintain a balance between money coming in and money going out. As all the planetary activity until now has been in your financial sector, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have, shoring up the income side of the financial fence has been up to you. Now, as you move into September that task has become a lot easier.As you move into the new month both planets in your financial sector have been in retrograde motion for a month and a friendly aspect to Mercury at the start of the month is helping to fuel your financial confidence. However, in retrograde motion for the rest of the year but with the North Node maintaining a sense of financial direction, money matters are dialling back and the income side of the financial fence is finally getting its turn. It began last month when the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment became the first planet to reach your income sector this year and the first to help balance the scales.
While only a tiny player, she not only makes up for her size with a sense of resolve, but from the start she has had the support of Pluto on the job and Mars on the career front. However, it was in the closing days of August that the real balance of power shifted with Venus, the planet of money's return to your income sector kicking off what can be some of the most lucrative weeks of 2024. While Pluto will leave your work sector on 2nd September and Mars your career sector on 5th September, Venus has returned in time to piggyback off the momentum they have created. Venus will leave on 23rd September, the same day the Sun returns and with Mercury returning on 26th September and a solar eclipse early next month, the income side of the financial fence is on a roll.