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Apr 20 - May 20

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Taurus Weekly horoscope for Apr 29 to May 5, 2024

It is said that as one door closes another opens, but at the moment you have a revolving door between the past, present and future that is keeping all doors open at the same time. Venus will leave a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on Monday, where for the last 24 days she has been taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Yet as she leaves and not only returns to Taurus nine days into your birthday month but just as Jupiter has moved into his final four weeks here, Mercury will not only stay on but less than 48 hours later Mars will return to begin the wind down to your current two year Mars cycle. This is keeping the doors open to the past as the doors are also open to major new beginnings. Rather than a case of either/or you are free to brace both. While your heart and eyes are on the future, your mental focus is still on the rear view mirror while giving you a chance to hold something in reserve until Mars returns to Taurus in June.

Love & Romance

There is a shift in focus in the early hours of the week that on the heels of the asteroid Juno's direct turn in your romantic sector last Monday will change everything. It is seven days later that Venus, the planet of love will leave a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, bringing her 24 day nostalgic trip down love's memory lane to an end as she returns to Taurus on Monday. By this point Juno, the queen of commitment has been in direct motion for seven days and is standing by to take Venus by the hand as you turn your attention away from the past and onto the future. The bond between the two will be strong from the start, but it is a friendly aspect between Juno and Venus that by the weekend will be giving you the confidence and resolve to embrace the spirit of romance and the future. By then Jupiter will be in his final three weeks in Taurus, with the planets of luck and love coming together in your sign for the first time in over a decade.

Business & Career

The Moon's return to your career sector couldn't come with better timing and not just because by returning on Wednesday will fuel your professional instincts and imagination and ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged in the heart of the working week. A friendly aspect to the South Node in your work sector as it moves through will kick off a positive few days on both fronts. While that is still the case, the real advantage comes from the fact that this will put the Moon in your career sector just as Pluto has come to a standstill and will ensure you are emotionally and intuitively engaged during the planet of change and transformation's final days in your career sector and as he turns retrograde. The Moon will leave just over an hour after Pluto's retrograde turn on Friday, giving you a chance to get the most out of his final days in direct motion and while he is still helping you to look to the future through eyes that challenge the status quo, but also aware that the tide is turning and the focus shifting to the rear view mirror.


While the Moon left your financial sector on Sunday, at the very least this allows you to move into the new week with your financial instincts and imagination fuelled, feeling emotionally and intuitively engaged from the start and just starting to unpack a download of information, insights and messages. While this was an ordinary monthly visit, as the last this year when there will be no planetary activity on the other side of the financial fence for it to clash with, this was a chance to get a clear read on money matters. By the time the Moon returns in four weeks the Sun will be on the other side of the sky in your income sector, turning this into a Full Moon and with a lot more complications. This time this has been just a read on money matters and because the last thing the Moon did before leaving was form a friendly aspect to Venus, the planet of money in an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart, this has helped to fuel your financial confidence and imagination. This is something that you can carry with you for the rest of the week.


Where last week began with the Moon in your health sector but also clashed with the planets in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, you have had time to process any wakeup calls this brought. It is a different story this week, with the pressure on your physical resources gone but with the understanding that has been gained in the process. It is usually only when we look back that we can see the message behind any stress, but also when we are more likely to be honest with ourselves. No one can manage your time and physical resources for you.

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