Daily Horoscope: Chinese Astrology: Work Horoscope: Monkey - Sunday, July 28, 2024


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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Your work day weighs especially heavy on your shoulders and there are a lot of things that you simply cannot manage lately. Contain a bit of your anger and spare your colleagues their nerves. Do not refuse help offered to you, but show others how grateful you are for their assistance. You're more able to accept help than you think.

Monkey Weekly Horoscope: Jul 22 to Jul 28, 2024

At the halfway point of the nostalgic and reflective month of the Goat, you have reached a point where you are now in the just/still zone. With the month of the Monkey now less than two weeks away and beginning at the end of next week, new beginnings are just around the corner and the start of a new personal 12 month lunar cycle is drawing closer by the day. Yet at the same time, as not only the month of the Goat but this current personal 12 month lunar cycle still has nearly two weeks to run, with time to close old doors and process the journey this has taken you on. As the week progresses the lines between the past, present and future are going to blur, as you start looking ahead while still looking back.

Monkey Monthly Horoscope: July 2024

While July can't be seen as a month of two halves in terms of time, for the month of the Horse will run its course on 6th July while the month of the Goat will then dominate the rest of the month. However, this is a month of two halves in terms of the nature of the month and the shift that this will bring. The month begins with the social and serendipitous month of the Horse still very much in charge, with a Horse Moon from 3rd July to 5th July likely to make these busy and vibrant days, with people to see and places to go. However, just a day later the New Moon on 6th July will usher in the nostalgic and reflective month of the Goat and with it the start of the four week wind down of your current personal 12 month lunar cycle.

  • 98
  • 53
  • 89
  • 56
  • 54
  • 1
  • 73
  • 7
  • 38

Power Numbers: 3, 7, 26, 28, 33, 35

Friendly Signs: Pig & Monkey

Beware of: Dog

Colour of the day: Tomato

Born Today: Beatrix Potter, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Hughes, Phil Proctor, Sally Struthers, Elizabeth Berkley

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