2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956
Monkey Monthly Horoscope: March 2025While you will have to wait until the closing days of the month, this is one month where the best is being saved until last. As you move into the new month, the Rabbit Moon that ushered in the month of the Rabbit and its focus on change and transformation is still running its course, while an adventurous Dragon Moon from 1st March to 3rd March will bring a taste of things to come. It was just a few days earlier that the more challenging month of the Tiger ran its course, with the more easy going and supporting Rabbit offering a chance for a reset. It is when the Moon comes full circle that a second Dragon Moon from 29th March to 31st March will usher in the adventurous and spontaneous month of the Dragon. Where the month of the Tiger was one of the most challenging of any lunar year, the month of the Dragon is one of the best.