
2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952

Dragon Weekly Horoscope: Mar 3, 2025 to Mar 9, 2025As you settle into the first full week of the nostalgic and reflective month of the Rabbit and with it the first week of the month long wind down of your personal 12 month lunar cycle, there is likely to be a certain degree of calm and confidence. The Year of the Dragon and the launch of a new personal 12 year lunar cycle ended less than five weeks away, so you have seen the future and there is no rush to get there. The tracks have been laid and the roadmap drawn up, making the month of the Rabbit more a chance to chill. You not only have a read on the past, present and future but will find it easy to occupy each space and flow effortlessly between them.

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