
2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952

Dragon Monthly Horoscope: March 2025While the New Moon that will bring the nostalgic and reflective month of the Rabbit to an end isn't until 29th March, this is still a month of two halves by virtue of the stark contrast between how one begins and how it ends. The New Moon that ushered in the month of the Rabbit and with it the final month of this current personal 12 month lunar cycle was in the closing hours of February and the Rabbit Moon that ushered this in will only run its course on 1st March. While a New Moon is all about new beginnings, in this case, it was the beginning of the end of this final chapter. Each day is bringing you closer to the Dragon Moon from 29th March to 31st March and the eclipsing New Moon that will usher in the month of the Dragon and with it a new personal 12 month lunar cycle.

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