
Apr 20 - May 20

Taurus Forecast for 2025: Money

While there is enough planetary activity in your financial sector this year, the side of the financial fence where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have to stay on top of money matters, the real action is on the income side of the financial fence. Even then, while starting the year with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion still in your income sector and halfway through your biggest year for income growth and expansion in over a decade is already a big deal, things are set to take a major and extraordinary turn for the better. The faster planets move through your income sector once a year and for you, as a base line the most lucrative months of any year will usually be May and June, for that is when the Sun moves through. Jupiter's return in May 2024 took this to a whole new level while keeping things ticking over since then.

Jupiter has been on his own since September 2024 and a retrograde turn a month later shifted the focus onto the past. As you move into 2025 Jupiter is still in retrograde motion and will be until 4th February, so you might not see much movement, though the doors will be open to the past, second chances and untapped potential. It is the Sun's return to your income sector on 21st May that will put the solar spotlight on your income situation, matters and options. This is when the push to make the most of Jupiter's final weeks before leaving on 10th June will kick in, with Mercury adding his smart head for money to the mix when he moves through from 26th May to 9th June. With Jupiter leaving a day later and the Sun on 21st June, for the first time in 13 months, this will leave your income sector empty and it should stay that way.

This should be as good as it gets, but this will move to a whole new level when held back by a retrograde phase earlier in the year Venus, the planet of money, desire and attraction will return to begin what she will always work to make the most lucrative weeks of any year on 5th July. However, the game changer will come two days later, when on 7th July Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected will return to your income sector for the first time in eight decades. Uranus is only here until retrograding back out on 8th November but will return in April 2026 and then not leave until 2033. To have Venus here at the birth of a new era and in time to capitalise on the nearly 13 months Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion has just spent here could have major implications.

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