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Pisces horoscope for July 2024

By the time Mars returned to your communication sector last month to begin his war on communication barriers for the first time in two years, it had been just two weeks since Jupiter's 12 month visit ended. With the Sun, Venus and Mercury having all recently moved through, Mars returned to find that most of the hard work has already been done. However, until leaving on 21st July, as the warrior planet of the cosmos he will continue his war on communication barriers, making this something that you will continue to benefit from for a long time to come. At the same time, Mars will be working to strengthen the partnerships made over recent months.

As well as starting the month with the Moon in your communication sector, within just the first week of the month, Mars will form a friendly aspect to planets in your friendship and relationship sectors. These are the same aspects the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have all made over recent months, with the month not only getting off to a good start on the communication front and for friendship and relationship building but with planets staying on to keep this going. It is when Mars leaves on 21st July that he will join Jupiter in your home and family sector for the first time since 2013.

Mars returns every two years with the drive and the motivation to make things happen and get things done, but this time just as Jupiter is settling into what he is working to make your biggest year for growth, expansion and opportunities on the home, family and/or property fronts in over a decade. Meanwhile, While the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in a playful and creative part of your chart before returning to your busy work sector, this year the lines between the two are set to overlap. While Venus and Mercury begin the month with the Sun, Mercury will leave to begin the first planetary activity on the job front this year on 3rd July, with Venus following him on 12th July. This makes a balance between work and play important from the start.

Love & Romance

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your romantic sector, the solar spotlight is always on matters of the heart and all things romantic at this time of year. Last year Venus had been and gone weeks before the Sun returned and while she still worked to make these the most romantically charged weeks of the year, having the solar spotlight on matters of the heart makes her job a lot easier. You also begin the month with Mercury, the planet of communication in your romantic sector and until leaving on 3rd July, he is on a mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page.

Venus will leave on 12th July and when the Sun leaves 10 days later, this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front, not for the year but for now. While from Venus and Mercury's return last month your romantic sector will only be active for five weeks, this is enough to jumpstart things ahead of Mars' return in early September. This will be Mars' first visit in two years and as the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos, he would normally spend six weeks firing up your romantic passions and fighting spirit while declaring war on roadblocks and barriers, whether real or imagined.

Instead, slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn in December, Mars will spend from 5th September to 4th November in your romantic sector and will then retrograde back in for a deep dive from 6th July and 18th April 2025. With Jupiter returning in June 2025 to begin your biggest year for love and matters of the heart in over a decade, what you have in the first three weeks of July is preparation for something much bigger. Helping to give this a boost will be the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 5th July to 7th July and the New Moon this will create. Meanwhile, your relationships are set to get a boost when Mercury, the planet of communication returns to your relationship sector on 26th July.

Business & Career

While there has been no planetary activity in either of your two professional houses since February, even that was an anomaly, for this was more a case of the planetary activity in your career sector at the end of last year spilling into the early weeks of this year. While the planets that began the year in your career sector have left, none have arrived to replace them and won't until later in the year, while there has been no planetary activity in your work sector since October 2023. However, this is the norm for the first half of the year, with things finally coming alive on the job front when the Sun returns on 21st July.

This is the point in each year when the Sun will always turn the solar spotlight onto your work situation, job matters and options and the latest that you will have to wait for new doors to open. However, you won't have to wait that long, with Mercury returning on 3rd July with a chance to work smarter, get your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open. This will be followed by Venus' return on 12th July, when as the planet of money, desire and attraction she will work to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction.

By then the Moon will have moved through, with its return to your work sector from 7th July to 9th July bringing a chance to check in and to get a feel for Mercury's influence. Mercury will normally race through in 14 to 15 days so should be gone by the time the Sun returns on 22nd July, but instead slowing ahead of a retrograde turn that will see him retrograde back in for a deep dive next month, he won't leave until 26th July. It is in the days leading up to the Sun's return that the Moon will move through your career sector from 17th July to 19th July. As well as fuelling your professional instincts and imagination, this will bring things together across the income, work and career fronts.


While it is not only business as usual on both sides of the financial fence this month, things have become stable and settled in a way that is helping to balance the scales without too much friction or competition. With the lunar nodes spending the whole of 2024 in your two money houses, they are not only policing a balance between money coming in and money going out, but when the Sun is in either this will trigger eclipses. This is what happened earlier in the year, with a pair of eclipses during the Sun's month long visit to your income sector fired up both sides of the financial fence.

While there is ongoing planetary activity in your income sector, where the North Node is located, there is none in your financial sector where the South Node is located. This required a lot of effort to keep the scales balanced, which the eclipses attempted to do, but with the kind of effort that can create financial tension. It was Mars' departure from your income sector last month that finally managed to balance the scales, for while there is still no planetary activity in your financial sector, support from Jupiter and Pluto is growing. With Eris turning retrograde in your income sector on 22nd July and Chiron on 27th July, this will further help to balance the scales between money coming in and money going out.

However, without upsetting that balance Mercury's return to your work sector on 3rd July, Venus on 12th July and the Sun on 22nd July will see the first planetary activity on the job front this year key kick off with a bucket load of untapped income potential from the start. Also helping to balance the scales are the Moon's monthly visits to your two money houses, which will always happen two weeks apart and will continuously repeat. First will be the Moon's visit to your financial sector from 12th July to 15th July, something that can fuel your financial instincts and imagination while bringing a chance to check in on money matters. It is two weeks later that the Moon will return to your income sector from 26th July to 28th July, something that can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, this time during the Sun's early and Venus, the planet of money's final days in your work sector.


With no planetary activity in your health sector since October 2023, the Moon's monthly visits have been the only chance to check in and stay on track. Yet by the time the Moon returns from 7th July to 9th July, that will have changed. The Sun won't return until 22nd July, something that at this time each year will always put the solar spotlight on your health needs, situation and matters. However, Mercury's return on 3rd July will give you a head start and not leaving until 26th July, this gives you time to become informed as he focuses on information and knowledge gathering. It is nine days later that Venus, the planet of beauty will return on 12th July with the motivation to look and feel good.

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