
2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953

Snake Monthly Horoscope: March 2025While how the month begins and how it ends is going to be very different, the big shift doesn't take place until the end of the month. As you move into the new month, the social and serendipitous month of the Rabbit has not only just begun, but the Rabbit Moon that kicked this off late last month doesn't run its course until 1st March. This is a vibrant and busy month, with people to see and places to go. The Rabbit will keep the focus on your social life, friendships, teamwork and networking until a Rabbit Moon from 27th March to 29th March returns to bring things home. It is the Dragon Moon from 29th March to 31st March that will not only usher in the more nostalgic and reflective month of the Dragon, but with it, the final month of your current personal 12 month lunar cycle.

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