
2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957

Rooster Monthly Horoscope: March 2025The Rabbit Moon that at the end of last month ushered in the month of the Rabbit is only just running its course on 1st March, giving you an early feel for its influence. The Rooster and Rabbit are opposing signs and while this can be a challenging month, it is also the most empowering. Because your energies are so different, making you lose patience with anyone who isn't pulling their weight, this can make anything out of balance in your life more transparent. In the process, this helps to define your personal truth and at the halfway point in your current personal 12 month lunar cycle, offers a chance for a reset. Especially when a Dragon Moon from 29th March to 31st March will usher in the month of the Dragon and its focus on change and transformation.

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