
2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951

Rabbit Weekly Horoscope: Mar 3, 2025 to Mar 9, 2025As you move into the first full week of the month of the Rabbit, you are also moving into the first full week of your new personal 12 month lunar cycle. On the one hand, the month of the Rabbit is a chance to return to your native energy, making this the time of year when life's natural rhythm most closely resembles your own. As the month of the Rabbit only runs for four weeks, this makes this a valuable chance to reconnect with your personal truth. On the other hand, moving into a new personal 12 month lunar cycle makes this an opportunity for new beginnings and a reset. As the month of the Rabbit will run through until an eclipsing New Moon at the end of the month, its influence will dominate nearly the whole of March.

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