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Jun 21 - Jul 22

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Cancer Weekly horoscope for Oct 21 to Oct 27, 2024

As Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos moves into his final two weeks in Cancer, he will be looking for something to channel his passions, drive, warrior and competitive spirit into and he will be spoilt for choice. Mars will be looking for any outlet and for anything that you can get excited about fighting for and this week, there are some ready made outlets. Where this will be more naturally drawn is the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence. Mars has already connected with Venus as she moved through a playful and creative part of your chart and to Saturn in an adventurous part. That will get a further boost with the Sun's return to a playful and creative part of your chart on Wednesday, just as Mars is drawing closer to a friendly aspect to Neptune in an adventurous part that will begin over the weekend. Yet just as enticing will be an uptake in momentum on the job and career fronts.

Love & Romance

Now in his final month in your relationship sector, it was a friendly aspect to the Moon over the weekend that has helped to give Pluto a friendly nudge and anything stalled since turning direct moving again. What will give this an additional boost will be the Moon's return to your communication sector over the weekend, something that will more specifically target getting the communication lines open. Meanwhile, there has been a changing of the guard on the romantic front, something that will keep the momentum going and the romantic flame burning after Venus, the planet of love left late last week. It was Mercury's return at the start of last week that gave Venus someone to pass the torch to while ahead of the Sun's return on Wednesday giving the planet of communication a chance to focus on giving your heart a voice and putting heart and mind on the same page. It is just as the Sun returns that Mercury's friendly aspect to Saturn will once again bring the spirit of romance and adventure together.

Business & Career

As Venus settles into her first full week in your work sector, she has the advantage of having returned just as last week's Full Moon in your career sector was running its course. With the Sun still over a month away but Mercury returning to your work sector later next week and Mars just two weeks away from your income sector, Venus has returned to become an early part of what will be a powering up of the income, work and career fronts in the final months of the year. While Venus is here for less than four weeks, Mercury will return later next month but won't leave until January. By Wednesday Venus will have moved into a friendly aspect to the North Node in your career sector and over the coming weeks will connect with the planets that have been energised by last week's Full Moon. Last year Venus spent less than 48 hours in your work sector and having begun the year here she has returned with the resources needed to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction.


On both sides of the financial fence, thanks to the Moon there is a growing sense of anticipation. While the Moon isn't solely responsible for this, it is helping to amplify what is already there. It was over the weekend that the Moon formed a friendly aspect to Pluto, something that for the first time since he turned direct and gave anything still stalled a friendly nudge in order to get things moving. While Pluto won't return to your financial sector until next week, your sixth sense will sense that is on the move and on his way back. At the same time, while by the time the Moon returns to your income sector on Thursday Mars will still be 10 days away in the heart of Venus, the planet of money's first week in your work sector this will be a taste of things to come. This includes across the income, work and career fronts, with the Moon able to sharpen your nose for money, act as a trigger and make it easier to pick up on the warrior planet's approach.


With the Sun over a month away from his return to your health sector, Venus' return last week has gotten an annual focus on your health and wellbeing that doesn't usually begin until the latter part of November off to an early start. While Venus will be gone by the time the Sun returns, this is the first link in a chain of continuous planetary activity that will stretch out to the early weeks of 2025. In that time, each planet that moves through will have a different impact, but it begins with Venus fuelling a desire to look and feel good. This can be used as motivation, knowing that when Mercury returns next week, he can help you focus on the when, where and how.

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