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Apr 20 - May 20

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Taurus Weekly horoscope for May 6 to May 12, 2024

Ahead of the Moon's return to Taurus on Tuesday, there is a need to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground but without overthinking things. While the Moon returns every four weeks, even if it wasn't returning to begin the lead up to a New Moon that in the heart of your birthday month will give you a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead, this was going to be a pivotal visit. With Jupiter now in his final three weeks in Taurus, this is the Moon's last visit before the 12 month launch of this new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion ends and the real journey begins. This makes Wednesday's New Moon a chance for new beginnings and to commit to both the short and the longer journey ahead. Meanwhile, knowing that the Sun, Jupiter and Venus will all be in your income sector by the end of the month, the Moon's return on Thursday will be your last chance to check in before everything changes.

Love & Romance

Seven days after returning to Taurus Venus, the planet of love begins the week just starting to separate from a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno in your romantic sector that peaked over the weekend. Two weeks after Juno, the queen of commitment turned direct, she is just as determined to move forward as Venus is, after ending a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane just seven days earlier. This allows you to move into the new week ready for a fresh start, though with Venus' mission to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for this new solar year just getting started. In the meantime, while it will be another week before Venus forms a friendly aspect to the dwarf planet Ceres in an adventurous part of your chart, the Sun's friendly aspect over the weekend will bring a taste of things to come. By then, with Venus drawing closer the spirit of romance and adventure will be starting to merge.

Business & Career

By the time you move into the new week Pluto has only been in retrograde motion in your career sector for three days. Still at a standstill and likely to be for the majority of the month, this is giving you a chance to pause and the planet that will have the biggest impact on this professional year shifts his focus to the rear view mirror. This doesn't mean that the brakes have come on this professional year, for rather than influencing things directly, Pluto is the filter through which you see things and as the planet of change and transformation, he is on a mission to see you change the way you see things, which in turn can lead to different decisions and ultimately to different outcomes. Since returning three months ago that has been through projecting out into the future, but in retrograde motion, this has shifted your frame of reference to viewing things through hindsight. The Moon is gone but it was here at the time, ensuring your professional instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged as you move into this new chapter.


On the one hand, the Moon's return to your income sector on Thursday is an ordinary monthly event, with a chance to sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger during the final two days of the working week. A friendly aspect to Pluto, in his first full week in retrograde motion in your career sector and to the South Node in your work sector will make Thursday and Friday the most positive days of the week across the income, work and career fronts. On the other hand, while this is an ordinary monthly event and with no planetary activity in your income sector since June 2023 an important chance to check in, this is also the Moon's last visit before everything is set to change. By the time the Moon leaves on Saturday, the Sun will be just 10 days away from turning the solar spotlight onto your income situation, matters and options Venus, the planet of money will be 13 days away and Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion just 15 days away from returning to begin your biggest year for income growth and expansion in over a decade.


Beginning the week with the Moon in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart might put up some speedbumps and especially as you are in the early days of the six week wind down of your current Mars cycle. Mars is the planet that gives us our energy, drive and motivation and his return to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart last week has brought you to the end of a two year cycle. This is an important chance to recharge your batteries ahead of Mars' return to Taurus next month, with the Moon reminding you from the start of a need to pace yourself.

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