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May 21 - Jun 20

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Gemini Weekly horoscope for May 13 to May 19, 2024

The Moon's departure from Gemini over the weekend has given you an intuitive edge that allows you to move into the new working week feeling more emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware. This means that you are more alert to the changes ahead that are set to have a major impact on not just the rest of this year but into the first half of 2025. This was the Moon's last visit before the Sun returns to Gemini early next week to begin your birthday month and new solar year. However, you are not only moving closer to the start of a new solar year, but by the end of next week Jupiter will also be in Gemini and a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion will be underway. In Gemini from May 2024 to June 2025, this is when the planet of luck and expansion will open major new doors and help you build for the future. Meanwhile, thanks to the Moon the weeks gets off to a good start on the income and job fronts while going on to ensure the communication lines are open during an important week for your social life, friendships, teamwork and networking.

Love & Romance

At the same time that Venus, the planet of love moves into her last full week in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, she is also drawing closer to her return to Gemini next week. At the same time that Venus is taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane, in the last full week of your old solar year and with a 12 year Jupiter cycle coming to and a new one starting at the end of next week there a sense of nostalgia and anticipation is building in equal measure. Venus is in good company as she looks to the past, with the Moon's return to your romantic sector on Saturday set to add even more to a sense of romantic nostalgia. As the Moon moves through it will connect with the South Node here and form a friendly aspect to Pluto, for the first time since his retrograde turn in an adventurous part of your chart. In Venus' last weekend in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, this will flood the weekend with a sense of romance, adventure and nostalgia.

Business & Career

While the Moon will leave your income sector on Monday, as well as a chance to move into the new working week with a sharp nose for money from the start, it will be with a new sense of professional confidence and awareness. This is the Moon's first visit since Mars left your career sector, ending a busy three months that was designed to get this professional year up to speed. A friendly aspect to Saturn in your career sector over the weekend and to dreamy Neptune there before leaving on Monday is giving you a read on the planets that will take it from here. With Saturn and Neptune both here until early 2026, both are playing a long game, allowing you to regroup as you transition from the fast and furious approach of recent months to a more measured one. A friendly aspect to Neptune is also a chance to revisit the professional dreams that you will continue to chase.


The Moon might leave your income sector on Monday, but this is a chance to move into the new working week with a sense of where the money is from the start. However, it might take a few days to get the full benefits from this, mainly because of what could be a case of information during the Moon's final hours. This could also bring some mixed messages, with a clash with the dwarf planet Ceres in your financial sector creating some tension between the two sides of the financial fence, while a friendly aspect to Neptune in your career sector will turn this into motivation. With your subconscious able to download information faster than you can process it at the time, it could take a few days to untangle all the messages. Yet as well as leaving you with a better sense of where the money is as things become more settled professionally, this leaves you more aware of the importance of a balance between money coming in and money going out.


If it feels like the wind has been taken out of your sails or there is no more gas in your tank, rather than worry, fight or try and fix it, simply embrace it. In the last full week of your old solar year and with a 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion drawing to a close, there is a call to pull back. It helps that you are also in the last full week of your current Venus cycle, something that is making time out to rest or just do nothing enjoyable. By the end of next week your new solar year, a new Venus cycle and a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion will all be underway, making this week a chance to recharge your batteries ahead of the major new beginnings just around the corner.

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