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Mar 21 - Apr 19

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Aries horoscope for May 2024

There is a lot of movement in the heavens this month and while the granddaddy of them all is Jupiter's departure from your income sector and return to your communication sector on 26th May, the one that will be felt most personally is happening right as you move into the new month. As if wanting your attention from the start, Mars has chosen 1st May to return to Aries, with the warrior planet of the cosmos and your ruling planet making his way home for the first time in two years. Mars is a planet of action and after languishing for six weeks in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, he is ready for a fresh start from the get go.

Returning just 11 days after your birthday month ended and less than 48 hours after Venus left Aries, something that has given your heart a voice and something to fight for, this gives you the confidence to draw a line in the sand as April ends and May begins. Meanwhile, all eyes are on the income side of the financial fence and even more so than is normally the case at this time of year. Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of May in your income sector, the solar spotlight is always on your income sector at this time of year. However, with Jupiter in the final weeks of his 12 month quest for queen of commitment and Venus having returned at the end of April, this has brought the planets of money and luck together in order to bring things home.

The Sun is here until 21st May, Venus until 24th May and Jupiter until 26th May. However, even after they leave there is a chance you haven't yet exploited the full potential, with Mercury returning on 16th May and Mars next month with the smart head for money and drive to ensure no stone has been left unturned. Meanwhile, the Sun and Venus' return to your communication sector will pave the way for Jupiter's return just days later and where he will spend the next 13 months. This is an area of the chart that is like a Swizz army knife, with a tool for every occasion. Jupiter expands what he touches, ushering a period where you will be more mentally focused, you are better able to think on your feet, make smart choices, decisions and plans and where communication in all its forms is favoured.

Love & Romance

Venus, the planet of love's departure from Aries at the end of April allows you to move into the new month with a confident sense of what you want from matters of the heart and your relationships moving forward. This was the first time in 18 years that Venus has moved through Aries while the North Node is in Aries and the South Node is in your relationship sector, something that for the rest of the year will continue to police a balance between your personal and relationship needs. While the eclipses this spawned are behind you, there will be another set in five months and the lunar nodes will continue to watch over things.

As she passed over the lunar nodes Venus gave you a bird's eye view of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, something that in just the last 48 hours of April she left you with. At the same time, while the Moon's passage through your romantic sector was brief, this left you with a sense of what you want from love and matters of the heart as well. This month the focus is on the Moon but also on the first signs of planetary activity on the communication front. The Moon will make its monthly visit to your romantic sector from 13th May to 16th May, making these some of the most romantically charged days of the month.

It is the timing of the Moon's return to your relationship sector from 18th May to 21st May that is significant. As always, as well as a chance to ensure you are emotionally engaged, this will see the Moon cross the lunar nodes, putting the spotlight on a balance between your personal and relationship needs. What makes the timing significant is that it is on 21st May, just as the Moon leaves that the Sun will return to your communication sector, followed by Venus on 24th May and Jupiter on 26th May. This is when the communication gods will be sending in the cavalry and for the rest of the year, they will actively support the South Node in order to keep the communication lines open.

Business & Career

While the biggest show in town this month is on the income front, it is bringing support players on the job and career fronts along for the ride. Jupiter, now in the final days in your income sector and of his 12 month quest for income growth and expansion has already connected directly with any planet on the job and career fronts that he is going to, but it is a different story for the Sun and Venus, who both start the month in your income sector. As you move into the new month Venus has been in your income sector for less than 48 hours, but within days will form a friendly aspect to the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment in her first full month in direct motion in your work sector.

The Sun, who has been in your income sector for 11 days has already moved into the same aspect while both will connect directly with the dwarf planet Ceres in your career sector before leaving. Helping to cement a bond across the income, work and career fronts from the start has been the Moon, who is just leaving your career sector as we move into the new month. As well as a chance to begin the month with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled from the start, the Moon was able to make the same connections the Sun and Venus will make over the coming weeks. This will also be the case when the Moon returns to your work sector from 16th May to 18th May.

As well as giving you an intuitive read on work and job matters and potentially acting as a trigger, the Moon will connect with every planet across the income, work and career fronts as it moves through. By the time the Moon comes full circle and returns to your career sector from 26th May to 28th May, the Sun and Venus will be gone from your income sector, but in Jupiter's final hours this will once again bring things together from across the income, work and career fronts. This time the Moon will return to find the dwarf planet Ceres in retrograde motion, with a retrograde turn on 15th May keeping her here and continuing her deep dive into your professional needs and priorities until December.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of May in your income sector, the solar spotlight is always on your income situation, matters and options at this time of year. However, this is when the ordinary overlaps the extraordinary, for as you move into the new month you are also moving into the final weeks of Jupiter's 12 month quest for income growth and expansion. It wasn't until the Sun returned last month that you moved into the home stretch, with Uranus and Jupiter having spent much of the last 12 months on their own and more focused on the journey. The Sun's return indicated that it was time to bring things home.

It was in the closing days of April that Venus returned, something that has put the planets of money and luck together in your income sector for the first time in over a decade. By the time you move into the new month Venus has been here for less than 24 hours and here until 24th May, she will bring the laws of attraction into effect, making it easier to attract the income opportunities that Jupiter is opening the doors to. With the Sun here until 21st May, Jupiter until 24th May and Mercury returning on 16th May to keep the momentum going, this is a month long event. Even then, it is not until Mars returns next month that you will have a chance to exploit the full potential.

In the meantime, it is the Moon's return to your income sector from 7th May to 9th May that will not only sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, but a New Moon on 8th May will be a catalyst for new beginnings and opportunities. It is a week later that held back by a retrograde phase Mercury will return on 16th May with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game just as Jupiter moves into his final 10 days. Meanwhile, it is just a few hours after the Sun leaves on 21st May that the Moon will return to your financial sector, coming full circle from a Full Moon that saw them clash back then. Moving through from 21st May to 23rd May, the Moon will clash with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus as it moves through, but in a way that can keep you on your toes on both sides of the financial fence.


As the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment moves into her first full month back in direct motion in your health sector, you will be finding the confidence and desire to get back to the resolutions that you moved into the New Year with. It is the month that Juno has spent in retrograde motion that has allowed you to review and revise those resolutions, to a point where they are now likely to be more streamlined but also more appropriate. Helping to get the month off to a good start will be Venus, the planet of beauty's friendly aspect to Juno on 4th/5th May. Meanwhile, the Moon's return from 16th May to 18th May will be a valuable chance to check in and especially with what your body is telling you.

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