Daily Horoscope: Current Planet Positions

Current Planet Positions

July 27, 2024 at 2:31:01 AM Coordinated Universal Time

Sun ☉


04° 34'  06"
Moon ☽


21° 17'  23"
Mercury ☿


00° 49'  48"
Venus ♀


18° 57'  13"
Mars ♂


04° 17'  50"
Jupiter ♃


13° 30'  29"
Saturn ♄


18° 49'  28" R
Uranus ♅


26° 42'  26"
Neptune ♆


29° 46'  14" R
Pluto ♇


00° 46'  44" R


  • Sun Opposite Pluto 3°
  • Sun Trine Neptune 4°
  • Moon Trine Venus 2°
  • Mars Trine Pluto 3°
  • Uranus Trine Pluto 4°
  • Mercury Square Mars 3°
  • Mercury Square Uranus 4°
  • Jupiter Square Saturn 5°
  • Sun Sextile Mars 0°
  • Venus Sextile Jupiter 5°
  • Mars Sextile Neptune 4°
  • Uranus Sextile Neptune 3°
  • Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°


Sun in Leo
During the Sun's stay in Leo, courage and determination are essential attributes. For some individuals, the desire for acknowledgement and approval may intensify. A genial and amiable ambiance should prevail. The prevailing themes are mingling and relishing in the finer things of life. Those who choose to take up leadership roles and undertake risks are expected to reap substantial rewards in this phase. Those persons with forceful personalities should exercise caution and avoid becoming excessively overbearing.


Moon in Aries
Behavior is prone to being strongly influenced by emotions. This moment is particularly conducive to taking bold and brave actions. Individuals who take on the mantle of leadership will thrive as long as they avoid becoming excessively authoritarian.

Moon Trine Venus
Children and family are expected to receive additional focus during this period.

Moon Semi-Sextile Saturn
It's possible that life might require a more serious approach than usual. Problems may arise due to detachment, indecisiveness, and difficulty expressing oneself.

Moon Semi-Sextile Uranus
Currently, there may be a strong desire for taking risks and seeking adventure. Atypical encounters may hold great allure.


Mercury in Virgo
Sound and efficient solutions can be achieved by being attentive to details. It is recommended to adopt practical methods to overcome obstacles. Despite progress being achievable, it may happen a bit slowly due to the inclination to analyze every likely outcome before implementing the plan.

Mercury Square Mars
It is probable that discussions and critical reasoning will occur. Some individuals may express themselves with such candor that their remarks could be deemed inappropriate or insulting by those who hear them.

Mercury Square Uranus
Exploring novel concepts and innovative solutions to age-old challenges can impact an individual's conduct significantly. While searching for answers, the spontaneity of unexpected discoveries may overshadow analytical thinking.

Mercury Quincunx Neptune
One may dedicate their time to delving into their own imagination realm, where enigmatic and unfamiliar elements may hold a significant sway.


Venus in Leo
Private thoughts may be questioning the authenticity of true love, leading to uncertainty. Unrealistic expectations that others cannot fulfill could hinder the ability to establish connections with individuals.

Venus Sextile Jupiter
Do not become entangled in mundane problems. Having a positive outlook towards the future can facilitate triumph. Certain opportunities may appear exceptionally alluring.

Venus Quincunx Saturn
Deep-seated emotions may be viewed with suspicion. It may challenge the self-assurance of certain individuals.


Mars in Gemini
Projects that can be completed quickly are preferred. It is important to avoid the temptation to take on too many projects simultaneously and instead focus on managing time efficiently. It is recommended to prioritize mental tasks over physical tasks.

Mars Sextile Neptune
Achieving goals solely based on fantasies can pose a great challenge. It may be too arduous to initiate long-term projects at present.

Mars Trine Pluto
There is a possibility of increased levels of aggression and passion, which could serve as primary motivators for competition and the desire to emerge victorious.


Jupiter in Gemini
There is a possibility to create unexpected associations among incompatible entities. The desire for intellectual and bodily activation could be heightened beyond average. A few individuals may encounter challenges keeping their concentration devoted to a single objective.

Jupiter Square Saturn
It is unlikely for you to exceed your capabilities as you have a realistic perspective on things, enabling you to establish achievable goals. You tackle tasks with a structured and analytical mindset, and possess the determination to persist through even the most arduous of undertakings until completion. Nevertheless, it is possible that you underestimate your own capabilities on occasion.


Saturn in Pisces
One's behavior may be influenced by a sense of something missing in their life, which could be related to spiritual matters that may become prominent during this time.


Uranus in Taurus
There will be a presence of enlightened thinking and a motivation to improve the daily lives of all due to this influence. Additionally, a noticeable warm-hearted, romantic, and highly sensual essence will be present.

Uranus Sextile Neptune
There could be a significant desire to satisfy one's creative nature, which could be influenced by personal imaginings when deciding on a direction to take.

Uranus Trine Pluto
Any restrictions are likely to cause conflict due to the immense strength of the need for personal freedom.


Neptune in Pisces
Currently, there are powerful forces of gentleness, creativity, and the quest for spiritual enlightenment. A great number of individuals may feel drawn towards esoteric beliefs and non-traditional religions.

Neptune Sextile Pluto
There might be a strong urge for self-awareness and exploration of the spiritual aspects of life.


Pluto in Aquarius
The keys to achieving success involve working together and collaborating as a team. It's highly probable that societal problems will be tackled, leading to an overall enhancement of human welfare.

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